Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Haunted Soul

“that is natural when i come back late. It is my vehicle”, i shouted.
“Istighfar, my son. I’ve just reminded you. it is very danger at outside. You aren’t yourself casually. What’s wrong with you, my son?”, my mother calm me down.
“it isn’t your business. And stopping call me your son. I’ve been adult and I AM NOT YOUR SON!!! I replied while closed the door hardly.
I started my motorcycle. After riding few of metres, i realized that i didn’t use a helmet. My helmet left behind on the house. I thought that there was no police at night so i didn’t take it. I rode my motorcycle at top speed to Batu.

Last morning, i had made a great decision. I had broken up with my girlfriend who had accompanied me for 4 years. She was my first love also. I often caught her with others by surprised. I had been resentful of her lies. I had deleted her name from my history of life. Yeah... this time, i had forgotten her name.
I parked my motorcycle at the Jambuluwuk Resort. Here, i could see the sparkling light from Batu. I served a cup of coffee latte and my favourite food, The chicken curry. When i ate it, i remembered my mother. Her chicken curry better than this. Actually, my biological mother had been die when i was at 3 years old. Even i did not remember her face. Then, my father married again with my mother best friend. She was sterile so that i was only child. My step mother was far different from characteristic step mother that was appeared on soap opera. She was very patient and loved me. I was chummy with her quickly, moreover my father worked at outside of Java Island. I felt so guilty.

The sound of thunder is so rumbling.  After paying, i drove my motorcycle fastly. Suddenly, the rain fell densely. Many times my motorcycle almost fell, but fortunately, i still could to control it. A big truck in front of me  run slowly. I saw the right side. I just saw a beam of motorcycle’s lamp so that i was brave to precede that truck. Unfortunately, that was not a beam of motorcycle’s lamp but mini van’s lamp which one of its lamp was broken. Because i couldn’t back again to left side, i turned my motorcycle to left quickly to avoid a collision. I could not control my motorcycle and bumped bushes and trees. And everything became dark.

The blood came out from my head and my legs. Fortunately, i was still be alive. My motorcycle was totally damaged but it still could be driven. I drove into my house very carefully. I opened the door. I walked into my parents’s bedroom. There was someone lying who her face was wizened “Mom, i’m sorry”, i whispered. i walked into the kitchen to take bandage and betadine. i walked into my room at up stair. I salved my injuries and then i fell asleep.

I woke up at 4 o’clock pm. My bedroom’s windows had been opened. I looked at a lot of cars and motorcycles which were parked at the yard. I saw a operational car where my father worked. What happened? I walked down to living room lumberly. i was who had been death, my father or my mother. I faintly heard many people read Yaa-sin, i went to backyard. I saw some people who bathed a corpse. I approached him. All of his body was bruised. Although his face couldn’t be identified, i was conscious that he was me. I saw my father and my mother were crying from distance. Actually, i had been died. I just waited to be picked up by the grim reaper into the afterlife.

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